Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is the branch of dentistry which deals with the treatment of caries, malformed, discoloured, nonesthetic,or fractured teeth and endodontics deals with treatment of pulpal and periapical diseases and dental pain management. We have an average patient count of 50 per day.

This department aims at preserving the natural tooth either by simple filling or by root canal therapy, which otherwise would have been extracted, thus making them functional for a life time. This department conducts a three year post graduate program (MDS) in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and the aim of the program is to provide advanced education in the subject to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career of specialized practice, teaching and research. Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) was started in January 2008. Residents join this department from various parts of the country. It is equipped with state of art machinery, which includes surgical microscope, facility for bleaching and latest technology for routine procedures. It runs an undergraduate OPD and postgraduate clinic daily. The department has set up its own high standards in patient care, education and research. The activities are for 3 days a week, which includes seminars, journal clubs, and case discussion. This is in addition to daily teaching activity based on the clinical cases discussion. The department provides state of the art, compassionate care to all patients requiring its specialized services.

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Aims and Objectives

  • To attain excellence in healthcare delivery.
  • To develop quality professionals with credibility, integrity and ethical conscience.
  • To ensure high standards in teaching and learning with more emphasis on clinical based learning & evidence based dentistry.
  • To blend and apply clinical research and acumen.
  • To reach out to the community with a service attitude.
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Research Thrust Areas

  • Evaluation dentinal microcracks after rotary root canal instrumentation-in vivo.
  • Root canal anatomy of evaluation of all types human teeth-a micro-ct study.

Total Number of Publications - 51

Highest impact factor Publication: Dr. A.R Pradeep Kumar, (HOD), MDS, FDS RCS(Ed), IBE endo - International Endodontic Journal – 3.3 Impact factor

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Dr. A.R. Pradeep Kumar


Professor & HOD