Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge

Prosthodontics is a specialty that deals with the replacement of missing teeth. The department of prosthodontics has both undergraduate and post graduate program. The department is well equipped with state of art facility for clinical and research work. The ceramic lab is equipped with sophisticated equipments like stereomicroscope and ISQ unit that attracts students from other institutions for research work. The department is headed by Dr. A. Ponsekar Abraham, MDS and has 14 faculties. The post graduate program was started in the year 2008 with two post graduates per year. Currently there are 15 post graduates, with an annual intake of 5 post graduates per year. Keeping in trends with the recent advances, Implant dentistry is practiced and offered as a routine treatment. Treatment of maxillofacial defects is done and been focused as a research thrust area. The department conducts a minimum of two continuing dental education program with distinguished speakers and participants from around colleges in Chennai.

As a part of community service, outreach treatments camps are conducted periodically. Students are encouraged to participate regularly in conferences and CDE programs of other institutions.

Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge

Research Thrust Areas

  1. Evaluation or analysis marginal fit of various fixed prosthetic restorations using stereo micro scope.
  2. Testing of implant strength using ISQ equipments.
  3. Maxillofacial prosthodontics.
  4. Temporo Mandibular joint : Assessment of functional ability and disorders.

Total Number of Publications - 66

Highest Impact Factor Publication: Journal of clinical & diagnostic research – score 0.81

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Dr. A. Ponsekar Abraham


Professor & HOD