
To provide contemporary knowledge delivery of global standards, excellence in knowledge creation in emerging areas and mutually rewarding university - societal interaction.


  • Our Mission is to make the Institution as a Resource Centre for Higher Level Teaching - Learning Process, in the fields of Engineering, Dental Surgery, Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Humanities & Sciences, Architecture, and Management & Education.
  • We wish to impart relevant training and education to the youth to make them technically qualified, practically competent and skilled human resources, to suit the needs and demands of the modern industries, business or research and development organizations.
  • We also wish to promote ethical values and encourage creative ideas among the younger generation and thereby to develop their entrepreneurial skills which will ultimately benefit the Society and Nation.
"Our Students are to be Job Creators and not Job Seekers"

Quality Policy

We strive to make our University as a Centre of Excellence for Quality Education and Research in the fields of Engineering and Technology, Dentistry, Medicine & Allied Health Sciences, Architecture, Science & Humanities. We aim to impart technological competence and inculcate dignity, discipline and humaneness to all our students.